Saturday, July 07, 2012

Trinity Hills Farm BnB Inn/Spa Retreat in Paducah, Kentucky

Trinity Hills Farm BnB Inn / Spa Retreat in Paducah

"For Lady Ann and I, the purpose of Trinity Hills Farm's existence from the beginning has been to enrich the lives of our guests in whatever way we can. From witnessing a child catch his or her first fish, treating a couple from South America to their first "Hot Dog Roast", being FAMILY to long-term guests, pampering Newlyweds on their Wedding Day and most of all, influencing married couples by creating a romantic stage where they can re-discover their love for each other, re-kindle the flame and spend precious time wrapped in each others arms. Amore'!
A few weeks ago, a dear friend asked us a very important question. He said, "You are in actuality a Ministry, in every aspect of the word. Why are you not a Legal Non-profit Ministry?" We had no answer except that we were not aware that we could qualify. After a lengthy discussion and a lot of prayer, we determined that this is the direction we need to go. Our friend has promised to be our mentor and guide us through the legal processes to become Trinity Hills Farm Christian Ministries, operating as Trinity Hills Farm B&B Country Inn, Marriage Enrichment Retreat & Ministers Retreat. We are excited, because this has been our goal from the beginning. We have always wanted Trinity Hills Farm to be a place of honor and service to our Heavenly Father. This will enable the Ministry to continue indefinitely, long after we are gone. Praise God and please pray for us as we enter this transition. Ask God to bless us as we turn everything over to Him. Groups are welcome for Marriage Enrichment Retreats. We will soon have Retreat Guides available for you and we can serve group Luncheons and Dinners so once you are here, you don't have to leave and waste time driving back and forth. Menus are flexible. Pastors and Ministers Retreats are becoming much more frequent at Trinity Hills Farm. No phone interruptions, a quiet Spirit-filled atmosphere and pampered service allow Minister Teams to focus on the direction God has planned for them and their Churches. And new to us is Jessica Stanley, our live-in Associate Innkeeper. Jessica came to Trinity Hills in June, 2002, through a series of God-Sized events and continues to be a wonderful blessing to our guests. As Associate Innkeeper, her duties are endless, just as ours are, but her love to serve people is an unquenchable fire, fueled by the Holy Spirit that lives in her. We are proud, as a team, to serve you to the best of our ability. Come and meet Jessica. You will not be sorry. Pray for us as we continue to try to serve God by serving YOU."

'One-hundred-thousand Irish Blessings
On You and Yours!
May the road rise up to meet you,
And the wind be always at your back.'

These recipes are included in the cookbook and are used by permission of Mike & Ann Driver from the Trinity Hills Farm BnB Inn/Spa Retreat:
Breakfast Strata Recipe
Aloha Bread Recipe

Please note: Since the publishing of this cookbook, Mike & Ann Driver closed Trinity Hills Farm and opened Aire Castle Stained Glass in Wingo, KY. Visit their site and facebook page, very beautiful pieces!
Aire Castle   

This BnB (along with delicious recipes and wonderful stories) is featured in Sunrise Sunset Across America, Bed & Breakfast cookbook. Purchase it by clicking on the link in the upper sidebar. Click on the review to read more about it.

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