Monday, July 15, 2013

Changes to Mount Dora Historic Inn

There are now new innkeepers at the beautiful Mount Dora Historic Inn. When I posted to their facebook page they were so gracious and mentioned new wonderful recipes. I'll give a link to their breakfast page so you can see what I mean. Now I want to introduce them to you and let them tell their story:

"Many of our guests asked how Ana and I came to own a Bed and Breakfast.  The journey was fraught with obstacles, self-trials, a few career changes; and, of course determination.
It has been Ana’s dream to be an innkeeper for many years; in fact, it evolved from a casual discussion at dinner one night, to an all encompassing entity within a few short months of staying at our first B & B. 

Once the decision was made, we began researching inn’s for sale in Florida, California, and Cape Cod; and, to make our research complete, we made a trip to each one, stayed at the inns and met the innkeepers.  Of course, we would stay for several days so we could take in the sights, locals, and…You guessed it–the cuisine. 
So we weighed out all of the goods, the greats and the not-so greats and decided Mount Dora, Florida was the place for us.  It has been a fabulous journey and we have been truly blessed to be living our dream!"

Here is the link to their breakfast page:
Keep up with them on Facebook!


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